Hi im new to this thread and i dont know if i could post this under this thread. i dont know if this is called sleep paralysis so do help in finding out. This happened 2 times ( last being 10 mins before im writing this). And it happened when im sleep in my friends new home. The first one was 4 days ago. I had a series of dream ( 3 or 4). I wake up from one and go back to sleep. The first ones were i meeting my old friends in awkward environments and just smiles. Then it saw what was like forecasting. it was morning i woke up took care keys and purse and went on to take my car and bhoom i wake up from my dream. that was the specific dream where panic set in. all i could do was to let eyes open and go back to sleep. Next dream i saw was me waking up from sleep rush to my friend in next room and saying to him i wanna rush to hospital because im feeling weird. He said he will get dressed up and as soon as he leaves the room i vomit dark red blood and bhoom i woke up from that dream too. now that waa the time i lost all patience and woke up with all my energy and switches on the lights(thank god its just next to me) and i looked time it was 5. I googled my experience and it said i just had sleep paralysis. But i dint see any evil objects or movements although i was searching for something in my room during the course of waking up. The second dream happend just 10 mins before im writing this. I dont recollect what i saw but on later stages i saw my ex gf and my friends. I woke from my sleep and thats when i remembered the past experience of sleep paralysis. i slep back and had this dream of waking up and going to friends room and waking him up saying i had sleep paralysis. Then i woke up in real . Gosh i was teribbly frightened. i lit a cigarette and i sit here writing in this . Please help me finding out what is going through my head please. what is this called. please need help