We'll finally, the 2 week wait is up. ( plus a few more days. )

Ever since I started reading up on lucid dreaming i have been fascinated by it and inclined to have one, no such luck has yet to fall upon me.

My name is Shaun.

I'm 16,

My interests revolve around computer based activities, such as programming, scripting, chatting and sometimes gaming.

I want to be able to attain a state of lucidity in my dreams for both personal exploration, and the ability to problem solve in the mind. ( I am fascinated by these things. ) Then of course you have the classic, i want to fly, and etc.

My Dream Recall isn't exactly superb, but its being worked on. I have a problem with remembering dreams for more than a few seconds after I wake up, and when that goes with being too lazy to get up for a few seconds, i am unable to keep a log most the time. ( But i find when i do, i never forget that dream. )

If its not too much to ask, i'm looking for a mentor that hasn't got 50 adoptee's to look after, rather one who is perhaps looking for someone. ( Rather than just picking people who they feel sorry for. )

- I look forward to working with whoever has the kindness to pick me, not to say you aren't all superb people.

Hehe - PM any questions you might have or post them here, i'll try to answer them as well as i can.