Here's a little info for anyone who'd like to adopt me.

So far I have had only one LD that I'm aware of. I owe it all to this forum. However, there are so many different techniques I don't know where to begin. I've wanted nothing more than to be able to become lucid on command for years. I never knew how, so it became one of those unattainable goals until recently. It was completely unintentional, but I finally did it.

I have kept a dream journal, for the most part, as far back as I can remember. I've used many sources from turning it into poetry, lyrics, graphics or just a plain old journal. The past couple of years, I have used just the computer both for writing it down and making graphics. I can't draw to save my life, but the dreams I made graphics out of have been the most memorable. It's rare for me to not have a dream at all, but there are times where I go days without remembering one.

As far as my dreams go, they're usually about the same guy and have pretty much the same environment. I do keep a dream journal here, so feel free to read it. Not everything is written down. Some I don't even think are worthy of putting into writing or remembering. On the other hand, I do have a few dreams that happened months or even years ago that I remember like it was yesterday. My first LD, even though it was only a week ago, is one I'll remember forever.

As of now, I have no idea which technique to try. I got lucky the one time. I did notice one thing about it, time has slowed down so much since I started trying. It's been only a week, but it feels like it's been months since my first LD. I look at the date of the post and it doesn't seem right even though I remember waking up and coming right here to put it all down.

But this is something I've always wanted and now I feel as if I can have that, but I need some help sorting throuh all the techniques or maybe even finding something completely different that might help.