• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    Thread: I'm Ready.

    1. #1
      Monk with the Funk Susceptor's Avatar
      Join Date
      Jun 2007
      Glen Burnie, Maryland

      I'm Ready.

      My Real name: Mike

      Background: I'm very intruiged by lucid dreming because I had an early experience with it. I didn't know about it, so I asked my Mom. She reffered to it as "Lucid Dreaming". I went to some websites (Ld4all was my first choice) and was submerged with Lucid Dreaming. But the people at Ld4all weren't as detailed as this forum. So I kept searching. Endless hours of things I've seen and with no guidance, only regal looking documents with very advanced technuiqes. I don't own a house and would like to keep this private without my family's knowledge. Then, I found DreamViews. So much questions answered, and I thank you all for that. So far, I've made few friends (Crazycat11, your my friend..If you want.) and I've even started my own dream journal. I have nothing to hide on these forums.

      So I ask you: Would you like to adopt me? I will be ready to learn.
      Sig courtesy of Terrorhawker.

      Dild: 14/Wild: 1/WBTB: 1
      Adopted by Ninja9578 on 7/16/07
      Susceptor's Log- Revised and Revived

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Apr 2007
      Out Chasing Rabbits
      You seem to have PMs blocked so I'll post here that I've been looking for someone to adopt recently. I've read through your dream journal and found your dreams to be similar to mine. You also seem to be about my age (I'm 22 and a senior.)

      Read through my dream journal and see if you think we'd be a good match. I've have a lucid dream about every five days and mainly do DILDs, but have some experience with MILDs and DEILDs too. If you're interested in WILDs or FILDs find someone else though, I did it once by accident and don't practice it. I have a high control over my lucid dreams too (especially recently.)

      I have AIM, but when I'm not at school I'm rarely on it so PMs or email would have to be used over the summer.


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