I'm hoping to be adopted.

My main goal is to be able to LD at will on a regular basis. After I achieve that I would like to experiment on extending lucid time while in dreamland.

I am extremely motivated and dedicated. I currently sleep at least 10 hrs a night and set alarms to wake me up 3 times a night. I am open to anything that will help me reach my goal including altered sleep schedules, herbs, whatever.

I've recently had 1 lucid dream...

I started researching lucid dreaming in the 90's and had some success but then I started college and didn't have the time to sleep as much. I have read much about lucid dreaming but having someones personal experience would be even better to guide me. Since my first focus is on attaining lucidity if would be helpful to be paired with someone who is skilled in that aspect.

I work in technology and am online most of the day including IM (apathy4reality) on yahoo, aol, msn and email as [email protected].

My online dream journal:

Thanks for concidering me...everyone needs a little apathy!