Not the most catchy title...

That's basically it. I would like to be adopted.

Experience, 1 lucid dream (DILD) but low quality. Can remember dreams about every other night. (working on that)

Availability: Since I have a lot of homework, I may be able to get on around four, and 10 pm. I wont respond to any PMs immediately, but it should not take more than a day or two. I can only WBTB on friday nights and saturday nights, and maybe not even. (I need to get up at 6:45 on mondays.)

Despite all this, I'm willing to commit, but school comes first.

What I'm looking for: Somebody with some experience. Somebody who has relatively frequent LDs and has A good amount of control in them. Preferably not a natural LDer, (Sorry guys) as they won't understand the learning process as well. Somebody who can help me set goals, and achieve them. Somebody FUN!!!

I hope I get adopted, But I don't know if anybody looks at this thread anymore.

Just post a reply or PM me.