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    1. #1
      Member Vampyre's Avatar
      Join Date
      Jul 2004
      Ontario Canada

      It Won't Stop Growing

      Hey guys, I just made my first 3D thing. I decided to make a 3d version of the picture that I'll probably use for a cover of my book/story. Anyway, see what you think.

      Two different copies for people with different resolutions/screen sizes.

    2. #2
      Member WaveShaper's Avatar
      Join Date
      Aug 2004
      i really like it especially the little old bear. However, im not sure about the texture on the chest of drawers - it looks like its been stretched vertically. Other than that, it would make a great cover!
      Whats the book/story about?

    3. #3
      Member Vampyre's Avatar
      Join Date
      Jul 2004
      Ontario Canada
      The book takes place in an alternate dimension that's more technologically advanced than the earth we know, but it is also smaller. There is a presence of magic as well, although it's only common on one continent (one that's not in the story).

      In this dimension, there's five continents, and a giant, city-sized boat. I have a map in the making that can show every single town, but right now, it's a work in progress.

      Anyway, one of the continents is shaped like a perfect oval, with long islands surrounding it. This continent is known as Corecia, and is a paradise society. The reason being that the continent is actually a living being. It therefore became a paradise society, because any time that someone tried to get access into the continent, they would have their mind read by Corecia (the god that turned himself into the continent) and would be judged whether or not they could pose a threat to society. If they did, then they would be denied access. However, some people are allowed in if they only have a possibility. If they ever get to a point where they are becoming too likely to cause harm to society, or they actually attempt something illegal, they are removed from the continent. Not by police, but by the continent itself, because there is never a need for police, hospitals, fire men, etc.

      Depending on where they are, someone could be removed by a nearby robot, or just the ground beneath the person lifting up and throwing them out to sea, ultimately eliminating the problem, before it can be completed.

      Then one day, someone gets away with murder in this supernaturally paradisal society. Detectives are called in from another continent to investigate what happened, and try to figure out how someone could get away with this. Then later, the head detective finds out that something much different is happening here. . .

      Oooo, how does that sound? That's basically what the prologue is. If you wanna see the map that I'm making of the dimension, you can go to the site to see it.



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