Ok, I started this thread because I hope to join the army next January and I need to work on my stamina (mainly my running). I'm not just your average lazy teenager who spends his time eating junk food and sitting at a computer or watching the tv most of the time. Although I probably would describe myself as lazy. For the last two or three years I've been following a fairly strict high carb, low fat diet to help with my weight training. I'm 6" 1' and weigh 12 stone (around 170 pounds) with an around 7% body fat level.

You can probably tell from this information that I'm pretty big (in a muscley way, not a fat way:p). but I know that this won't help me all the way through the army training - sure I'll fly through the lifting exercises, but what I'm really worried about is the 1.5 mile run. I've been working on bodyweight exercises like press-ups and dips. I tend to fill myself up with as many chemicals as I can afford to keep my muscles building and keep me going.

I spent most of last January on steroids (please don't start complaining and warning me against using them if you have no experience or don't know what you're talking about - they are safe in the correct doses - it's testosterone, you don't see every male with high testosterone in the world dying of heart failure now do you?) and I plan to go back on steroids for at least a couple of months before I join. Anyone who has used them before should know that they turn you into a machine and they are well worth the side-effects - which are usually seriously exaggerated on tv and in articles you read in newspapers on the internet.

So basically I really want to know what sort of distances I should be running to get started (keeping in mind that I haven't done any running for about four years because cardio slows the whole "bulking" process of bodybuilding). Right now I can probably barely run 500 metres.

Any advice you can give me is much appreciated whether it's on working out, my diet or motivation (something I need a lot of help with - as I told you before I can be pretty lazy).

Thanks in advance