I have recently tried to WILD in the afternoon, the thought of being able to have a lucid dream at night and in the day sounded brilliant.
I went up to my bed at around 12:30 after i had lunch, i closed my door and window to stop sounds distracting me, after 10 minutes of deep breathing i started to tingle a little and i lost orientation of where my arms where.
For example i could not be sure if my hand was under my pillow or on my side, about another 10 minutes later i was very relaxed, i let my mind drift away from counting breathes for a little while because its helps relax even more.
Then all of a sudden my entire body tingles wildy and felt like a hot flush all over, the imagery started and i imagined myself walking around my garden, i started to feel the grass on my feet, my heart started to pound so i took deep breathes to calm down,i could see my garden forming before my eyes.
At this point i knew i was in a dream because i felt a sudden change, i slowly opened my eyes and i was standing in my garden.
The first thing i do is to increase the stability by rubbing my hands or picking up a dream object and studying it closely, i headed towards a door which leads into a alley and managed to drive a black mustang for a few seconds before i was awake in my bed again....