I just found out a good way to attain lucidity AND IT WORKS!!!!

when you go to bed make sure that you are not overly tired because your mind would be to tired to notice anything. Once your in your bed and your not overly tired relax and close your eyes and MAKE SURE ITS QUIET IN THE ROOM because the quietness is a big factor in this. while your eyes are closed and its dead quiet or quiet as it is possible youll start to hear a ringing or buzzing sound in your head (dont worry its natural) once you have that sound happening focus on that sound and only that sound. after awhile (maybe 10 min) youll feel your body kinda vibrating if its doing that thats a good sign if you dont feel it yet keep focusing on that sound. once your body is vibrating dont unfocus on that ringing sound untill you cannot hear it anymore (your asleep) while your sleeping if the vibrations are tripping you out just ignore it its just a steping stone to know were you are in the process. youll know your lucid because your body will feel and look like its rsing (your sleeping) dont panic while that happends your set just take off to were you want to go.

let me know how it turned out for you.