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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Mar 2005

      I've got a theory about why we fall asleep. . .

      Ok, this is a 'theory' that I came up with while freenoting The Einstein Factor. Freenoting is a great proccess that utilizes free association and it can be found here:

      Here goes:

      My personal theory about why we fall asleep:

      When we become tired it's bevause our slow analytical (left brain) has run out of data to pick at. . .and once the analytical brain becomes quiet, our right brain begins to speak to us (hypnagogia). . .and in the morning our right brain is coming out of hypnopompia. . .then our left brain says "ok I'm awake". . .This also explains why we hardly remember our dreams because most dreams are illogical, so the left brain squeezes are drams into our unconscious. . .When we practice dream recall we are training our brains to 'squeeze the squeezer' (my term for squelching the squelcher). . .Also since most dreams move so fast (about 5 dreams a night) our analytical brain cannot keep up (NOTE: the analytical brain moves slow as to not miss any details that can be used to discount something that seems illogical) thus making our analytical brain fall asleep. . .

      Simple yes. . .Illogical, I don't think so. . .My interpration, wrong?. . .I don't know


      p.s. anyone and everyone should check out www.winwenger.com and search for ImageStreaming (I've used it for ImageStreaming), and every other process he has developed. Also, check out his book 'The Einstein Factor', it's truly fucking amazing!!!!

      The way I use ImageStreaming for dreaming is I ask my subconscious mind "Ok, I would like for you to show me a picture that will help me to have very vivid/lucid dreams tonight"

      Then with my eyes closed I describe the first Image that comes to me. I describe how it looks, feels, smells, sounds, and tastes. When you are describing it in rich sensory detail you HAVE to do it in the present tense.

      Seriously check out ImageStreaming, he tells you how to do it for free on his website (winwenger.com), or you can purchase 'The Einstein Factor' for even better techniques. . .

    2. #2
      Rotaredom Howie's Avatar
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      I love theories

      This sounds like a very interesting concept. Why we fall asleep I think is debatable for it seems we need /have to sleep.
      The process you describe sounds logical to me.
      The first part is one of the procceses with some forms of meditation. Although some may do it and not truely understand the logical reasoning to why it is happening.

      Originally posted by Master_debator
      When we become tired it's bevause our slow analytical (left brain) has run out of data to pick at. . .and once the analytical brain becomes quiet, our right brain begins to speak to us (hypnagogia).

      While meditating your train of thought is usually to focus on something rythmic and redundant. Your heart, your breathing, something done over and over. This then creates what you describe to a degree. Your left brain gets tired or bored with the repetative nature of the process. It then lets the right brain enter more into your thoughts allowing things like hynagogic images and meditative states of awareness.

      I will have to check out that www.winwenger.com . It sounds interesting. Thanks for the link.

    3. #3
      Join Date
      Apr 2005
      Well...MY theory is we go to sleep because we need energy for the next day. Once we're out of energy, the brain will be like "ok you're tired, you're going to sleep".

      And i have a question though, what if we take naps? Do you have the same theory for that? You're not tired...your just bored so you take a nap...

      well nice theory btw

    4. #4
      Join Date
      Mar 2005
      Originally posted by DopeyGuy
      Well...MY theory is we go to sleep because we need energy for the next day. Once we're out of energy, the brain will be like \"ok you're tired, you're going to sleep\".

      And i have a question though, what if we take naps? Do you have the same theory for that? You're not tired...your just bored so you take a nap...

      well nice theory btw
      Like you said "Once we're out of energy, the brain will be like "ok you're tired, you're going to sleep" <- thats your logical mind saying you're tired . . .and when you are tired. . .your logical mind goes nighty nighty. . .

      If you are taking naps then your logical mind (analytical left brain) must be saying "I'm kind of exhausted. . .lets rest. . ." <- this is what allows your logical mind to go to sleep. . . If you are awoken suddenly from a dream (be it a napping dream or sleeping dream), it's your analytical brain saying "this can't be happening so I'm going to do the only LOGICAL thing and wake myself up". . .and more often than not thats why we have a hard time remembering our dreams <- that is unless we make a practice of writing them down. Because when we write them down, we are training our left brain to 'go with the flow' of imagery. . .

    5. #5
      Join Date
      Aug 2004
      Originally posted by Master_debator

      Like you said \"Once we're out of energy, the brain will be like \"ok you're tired, you're going to sleep\" <- thats your logical mind saying you're tired . . .and when you are tired. . .your logical mind goes nighty nighty. . .
      Well, it's possible, but sleep is when we focus energy on more complex bodily functions, like synthesising new proteins to build and repair. Also, sleep and tiredness are characterised by increased hormone levels relating to things like the amount of sunlight. It doesn't seem as though it's all due to the brain being tired.

      So, we definitely need sleep whether your theory is right or not. Your theory could be involved though.
      UNBAN LEO!

      Adopted by Anelior

    6. #6
      Join Date
      Mar 2005
      Originally posted by Raylin

      Well, it's possible, but sleep is when we focus energy on more complex bodily functions, like *synthesising new proteins to build and repair. Also, sleep and tiredness are characterised by increased hormone levels relating to things like the amount of sunlight. It doesn't seem as though it's all due to the brain being tired.

      So, we definitely need sleep whether your theory is right or not. Your theory could be involved though.
      I actually came up with my theory while reading 'The Einstein Factor' using a process known as freenoting (winwenger.com).

      http://www.energybreath.com/Pages/brain2.html <= about The Einstein Factor


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