One Teaspoon of Lecithin granules contains ~1700 mg of phosphatidyl choline, ~1000 mg of phosphatidyl inositol, and ~2,200 mg of essential fatty acids.
All of these compounds are benficial to brain function and improved memory.
Choline also is a part of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. A sufficient intake of choline, primarily via the consumption of lecithin, is believed to have a positive effect on some mental functions, especially those connected to memory. A high amount of acetylcholine is highly linked to the occurrence of CEVs.
There are many sources of where lecithin can be obtained, but the consumption of lecithin is an acquired taste. If one can stomach swallowing gel caps, lecithin suppliments should be no issue taking. Not only will you be benefiting your memory, but also your sexual organs.
Eggs, have a longstanding reputation to support sexual functions. The reason may be the lecithin content of egg yolk, as lecithin not only is a precursor to choline but also a component in sperm. Actors in porn movies allegedly consume lecithin (either as eggs or in the form of lecithin supplements) to make sure that they discharge impressive sperm loads when the movie's director requests this. Just thought I would throw that in for your entertainment.
The largest single reccomended dose (prepared) that I have ever found is 1200mg of lecithing. I personally take at least 4000mg and have on numerous occasions taken 7000mg.
The outcome of my tirals with using lecithin for Lucid dreaming is rather interesting and closely resembles the research I have read supporting the theory of lecithing aiding in the production and recall or lucid dreams.
I am not reccomending this to anyone as "Something you have to try". I'm sure everyone has their tricks of the trade, I'm just sharing mine.