For those of you who had the pleasure of watching the 1979 romance movie with Christopher Reeve and Jane Seymor, you might recall that the Richard Collier character player by Reeve was able to travel back in time in a very similar fashion to WILD.

The ironic thing is, almost all of the same rules he followed in the movie applies to attaining WILD. For me, any split second thought about the real wold sends me back out of lucidity in an instant. If I look at my alarm clock to wonder what time it will go off, or anything dealing with my worries ahead, its over. During the movie, Richard removes everything from the room that would provide a distraction.

Does anyone else have the same failures with WILD due to distractions in your sleep environment? I've just realized that its almost impossible for me to WILD with my wife sleeping next to me. What do you think about the amazing similarities with WILD and the movie, "Somewhere in TIme"? I believe RIchard Matheson, the author of the novel, must have had some experience in WILD.

For those of you dreamers who haven't watched the movie yet, rent it or better yet, buy it NOW. Trust me, you'll love it.