So the past two times I've had a lucid dream, I have not gotten that rush of awareness/euphoria that accompanied my previous ones. Like my first two, I of course wen't around screaming "I'm dreaming!" and had to work at calming myself down. Last week, I was in a creepy scene and realized it didn't look normal, then realized I was dreaming, and usually I take flight right away, but because it was creepy, I was panicked and couldn't so the panic woke me up.

Then last night, it was a birthday party for me, and I was talking to my grandmother and grandfather, after they left I realized that they were dead, and therefore; could not have been there. I realized I must be dreaming. Again, no euphoria or ruch of awareness, which I even thought about right after I became lucid. I was like where is that damn rush, I also thought I always fly right away so I will have to make sure to make my intent clear, since I want to stay here. I then walked to the front door, and wanted my grandfather to walk back in so I could see him again. I knew that I needed to believe it and it would happen. It did he walked back in and I was hugging him, and crying saying how much I missed/loved him and could he believe I was already 26 (I'm really 30). All the crying woke me up and I was crying in real life. I did wake up in sleep paralysis.

Now two questions: does that rush of euphoria/awareness not happen all the time or does it wear off? or was it the strong emotions of the dreams that didn't allow for it to happen?

Second: I was lucid but I went along with the idea that I was 26th since that was what number the party was about, but I'm really 30. Shouldn't I have changed it, since I should have had all my awareness with me?