PHILD - Phenomenon induced lucid dreaming.

Method which you enter a dream in a state which you will immediately realize isn't reality.

Step 1 - Do a reality check, it's always important to do a reality check before you go to sleep. Relax and while laying in bed count down from 30 to get relaxed. While doing this think about something strange happening such as walking through a wall or flying. Then while thinking of a strange occurrence imagine yourself becoming aware of this being completely wrong. See yourself knowing this would never be physically possible in the world which you live in.

Step 2 - After or while doing step one, repeat "I am flying (Or whatever you wish to do), Is this possible?" Repeat this until you fall asleep. Concentrate on what you are saying and when you fall asleep you will find yourself doing whatever you repeated and then the thought will run through your head "...Is this possible?" Suddenly you realize it isn't for that the question knocks your mind back to reality. We never realize the things which we do in a dream is weird for that in the dream we never ask ourselves if it's correct. You could be walking through a wall or swimming underwater for an unlimited amount of time and never know this aspect is incorrect to the laws of reality. The question will bring up thoughts which will tell you this isn't possible. It's the question which is the key. This same question could lead to a reality check or what triggers the thought of checking to see if you are currently dreaming.

After trying this my results were flawless. Soon without using the technique anymore I began to notice things in my dream which couldn't happen in reality. For instance, I dreamt I was jumping off a really high tree (Thought triggered by watching Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon.) and suddenly asked myself " this possible?" Immediatly I knew it wasn't. It's almost like a reality check within a dream but you must program your mind to set your dream to do something which couldn't be possible in reality.
