Hi all.

I've been DJing about 5 years (almost every day in the last 3), and I've had about 30 LDs in that time. I'm unsure if that's slow. The frequency of successful LD is slowly creeping up, to the point where I've had at least 1 a month in the last few months. I think something is finally clicking.

I posted "Reality Check" post its around my apartment and at my workstation at eye level and I pay attention to them when I can. I have gotten it to where I can recapture that "dream feeling" I have when I am lucid. That is, I can make waking life feel like a dream just by thinking about it hard enough. I think to myself, 'What would I do if I were dreaming?' and act it out - usually bending metal and levitating objects in my mind. Yesterday I could even recall how it feels to do the impossible in dreams. My focus of intent was on levitating a trash can. I could actually feel its weight as I lifted it in my mind. Rad. This has not crossed over into dream land yet.

I RC whenever something strange happens. Yesterday, while I watching Netflix, I was coloring at the same time. I missed something, and when I looked up, the scene rewound itself to the moment that I missed without me touching a remote or anything. Weird. Last week, I drove past a motel that advertised "Color TV" in its sign. It was so anachronistic that I RC'd.

Lately, my main method is WBTB. I'll drink a water bottle's worth of water before sleep, which wakes me up around 3, 4AM. I have never tried to consistently do this in the past because I used to have pretty terrible insomnia. This isn't so much an issue anymore (yay, getting older?), so I'm unafraid to try it. Still, sometimes it is difficult to fall back to sleep.

Every day before I sleep I tell myself I am dreaming. I also repeat this a few times throughout the day.

I think I am getting closer. I put asterisks next to any dream element that I could have RC'd when I write it down the next morning. In last night's dream, there were a few things that happened and for the life of me I could not figure out how they had happened. I think this is progress from before, because I used to make up reasons for pretty much everything. Even in waking life!! A few years ago, I couldn't figure out why some math wasn't working out, so I just reasoned that I had fallen into an alternate universe where the math was different. (I KNOW. *head -> wall*) It's hard - being INFP and a generally spiritual person who takes a lot of things on faith - to question things sometimes. But it's a skill that's developing.

Any advice for a fellow oneironaut?