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    • 1 Post By Darkmatters

    Thread: Possibly Succeeded???

    1. #1
      Join Date
      Oct 2017

      Possibly Succeeded???

      OK, So last night I did what I always do. I drank my bed time tea and hit the bed very tired.
      I pictured in my head the words I am dreaming and let them swirl around my head for about 5 minutes.
      I tried to attempt WILD and failed miserably again which made me restless and so tired but I
      couldn't sleep. Eventually I got this rushing noise in my left ear and was a cool feeling breeze.
      I went with it and concentrated on the rushing noise. Eventually I felt my body lift up off of the bed
      and a force pulling on my legs. I wasn't scared because I read about this before and was more excited than
      anything. So after I feel like I have been pulled into the air I start to think about a naked planet full of naked women LOL.
      Unfortunately I feel my brother walk into the room and kind of messes with my concentration. Then I thought to myself
      wait I don't live with my brother (I am married with kids) and then did the RC breathing through nose. It worked! I was able to breathe through my nose!
      But I said to everyone in the room it worked I can breathe through my nose and my mom, my brother, and my daughter all laughed at me. So I did the RC again and yes I could breathe through my nose! I said I am dreaming! I am dreaming! I am dreaming! They just kept laughing. So I punched my mom in the butt to see what would happen and she laughed. So I kept saying I am dreaming take me to my naked dream I want LOL> All the time not realizing I was already in the dream and I couldn't change where I was in the dream. I bounced around the room just laughing and being funny then got frustrated because it didn't take me anywhere LOL. Then I woke up...

      So was I actually Lucid dreaming or was I dreaming about having a Lucid dream?

    2. #2
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      I sometimes call that dreaming of lucid dreaming, but it's also referred to around here as a lucid dream with low awareness. It's pretty hard to draw a distinct line between a lucid dream where you just aren't very aware, or a completely non-lucid dream. It's really a spectrum, not a binary either/or kind of a thing.

      Whatever it was it's a good sign - it means lucidity is showing up in your dreams and that means soon you'll be experiencing it with greater awareness.

      I think what you need to do to help that happen is spend alot of time thinking about what you're going to do when you find yourself lucid. Just hoping to find yourself on Nakedworld isn't much of a strategy and leaves you unprepared inmost situations. You should have options B C and D lined up in case you're just on Fully Dressed World (or maybe you find yourself the only naked person - happens sometimes).

      Practice stabilization techniques along with your reality checks. I like to do 2 RC's followed by running my hands over any surfaces near me and feeling the textures - including over my own body in case I find myself in a void or something. Feeling textures stabilizes the dream and increases your awareness. So does using any kind of sense - taste things, smell them, listen to things - maybe tap on stuff and see what kind of sound it makes.

      And come up with plans - what do you want to do assuming there are no people - naked or otherwise - around? Or if you find yourself in your living room surrounded by people you no longer live with? Think about these things and develop strategies. For example, try to get outside - and if you can't find a door that leads outside try pressing yourself through a window or a wall or something while expecting to end up outside. Because you know how you can press your finger through your palm in a dream? Yeah, it works with other things too, like your body through a wall. You do it the same way, just start pressing gently expecting to pop through. There will be resistance for a while, a few seconds, and then you'll just go through.

    3. #3
      Join Date
      Oct 2017
      Quote Originally Posted by Darkmatters View Post
      I sometimes call that dreaming of lucid dreaming, but it's also referred to around here as a lucid dream with low awareness. It's pretty hard to draw a distinct line between a lucid dream where you just aren't very aware, or a completely non-lucid dream. It's really a spectrum, not a binary either/or kind of a thing.

      Whatever it was it's a good sign - it means lucidity is showing up in your dreams and that means soon you'll be experiencing it with greater awareness.

      I think what you need to do to help that happen is spend alot of time thinking about what you're going to do when you find yourself lucid. Just hoping to find yourself on Nakedworld isn't much of a strategy and leaves you unprepared inmost situations. You should have options B C and D lined up in case you're just on Fully Dressed World (or maybe you find yourself the only naked person - happens sometimes).

      Practice stabilization techniques along with your reality checks. I like to do 2 RC's followed by running my hands over any surfaces near me and feeling the textures - including over my own body in case I find myself in a void or something. Feeling textures stabilizes the dream and increases your awareness. So does using any kind of sense - taste things, smell them, listen to things - maybe tap on stuff and see what kind of sound it makes.

      And come up with plans - what do you want to do assuming there are no people - naked or otherwise - around? Or if you find yourself in your living room surrounded by people you no longer live with? Think about these things and develop strategies. For example, try to get outside - and if you can't find a door that leads outside try pressing yourself through a window or a wall or something while expecting to end up outside. Because you know how you can press your finger through your palm in a dream? Yeah, it works with other things too, like your body through a wall. You do it the same way, just start pressing gently expecting to pop through. There will be resistance for a while, a few seconds, and then you'll just go through.
      These are great ideas thanks so much for sharing. Ya I am also taking it as a very good sign since I never got this far before.
      I actually knew I was dreaming but didn't know what to do when I got there because I expected something else. Your ideas to really feel the environment and trying to get out are wonderful and when I get there again I will use these methods. I actually am surprised it took me into a dream instead of OBE since I was being pulled into the air before the dream I really was probably close to OBE.

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