i'll skip the stuff thats relatively unimportant, i'll write the whole thing on my DJ. basically, i meet this girl. although the whole dream was kind of hazy and i don't remember exactly what she looked like, she was really really pretty. and kind of built like a child...small body, big head. i think she was 16 or 17, though. i also meet this boy who she's known for a few years, but hasn't seen for a while. we watch a movie, and naturally she's talking to him most of the time, but gradually she gets to know me better.

then we're at my house. we all go into the bathroom for some reason. i go into the pantry to get something to eat. this is when things get interesting. i flick the light switch a few times, and it seems unstable. i go back into the bathroom. i notice that whenever i breathe out, my breath is manifested as dozens of tiny smoke(? or at least grey visible air) butterflies, it's really beautiful actually. i flick the bathroom lightswitch on and off, and it flat-out doesn't work. i say to my new friend "you see that? i think i'm in a dream." somehow i know that she knows about lucid dreaming. i point to the butterfly breath thing as further dreamsign. she shrugs and says "try it." so i try to fly. i feel a slight rising feeling, but my feet stay on the ground. i smile and say "kind of felt something there, but i guess not."

she leaves and sits at my computer. i sit down next to her, and she's busy IMing someone. she's in the middle of typing "supar goods friends again"(yes, supar) and i assume she's talking about her and the boy. for some reason i say "i really enjoy this." she also has this list of phrases open on the computer. she looks at me and points to "we're real close now, mum." she crosses her legs, and asks me "do you want to travel to-" somewhere, i think she said the U.N. i'm incredibly happy that she asked me to travel somewhere with her. at that moment, i wake up.

i almost never feel emotion in a dream...interesting that i woke up when i felt happiness.