I had a dream last night and I am not sure if it counts as lucidity. If it does than it will be my first lucid dream.

From my dream journal:
Cathy and I went upstairs into my old bedroom (my bedroom is now in the basement) and I was surprised and excited to find my cat Bambi there. Even though the dream seemed to be set a few years ago, I knew in the dream that Bambi was dead and that what I was seeing was her ghost. I forgot all about packing for camping and picked up Bambi and started coddling her. I was so happy to be holding her and she felt so real - the softness and warmth of her fur; the wetness and coldness of her nose - the dream felt so real and vivid that I really believed that I was holding my cat again even if I knew it was only her ghost.

Does acknowledging in the dream that my cat is dead in real life and that what I am seeing in the dream is her ghost count as lucidity? I had no control over the dream and nothing made me think that I was in a dream - but I knew in the dream that my cat is dead in waking life.

I hope I explained that clearly. Please forgive me if I did not as I am not very articulate. Can any one help me out?