Is there a good chance for me to become lucid in my dreams by just do RCs on the days and write down my dreams in my dream journal every morning? Or do I have to make WILD, MILD etc.?

What is the best way for e noob? Do RCs and write DJ or try the WILD teq?

Please I realy want to become Lucid and I were realy close 2 times..

Right now im doing RC on the days, writing in my DJ and also trying the WILD technique.

I do like this for WILD:

1. Got o bed and lay down relaxing.

2. relaxing my hole body, breathing very slow and calm.

3. Starting to count, "1- im dreaming, 2- im dreaming".

4. Then nothing happends! It felt like my legs dissapered but nothing more. The only thing is that Im very close to fall asleep and stop counting, felt like daydreaming, but when Im realise that and start to count again the "dream" just fades away. No pictures or something like that is there.

What do i do wrong? How long do I have to count? I maybe count to 500 before giving up..
