Hi everyone!
After 1 month of researching how to do lucid dreams and developing dream recall, I finally had my 2nd lucid dream! Though it was a pretty low level lucid dream, as I was too scared to shout "INCREASE LUCIDITY NOW," in case I would wake up people.

Anyway, now for the part on HOW I DID IT.
I have been practising dream recall for 2 weeks now, as that seems to be the most important way in attaining lucidity for me.

Halfway through a dream, I was walking down my driveway when I told myself to remember my dreams that night (getting my subconsious to work). Suddenly, I said
"Wait a minute. Isn't this a dream?" It was obviously a dream to me, so I didn't bother doing reality checks.

So what I did was fuse me telling myself to remember my dreams with my dreams.
Hope this works for other people,
from Stoat.