the text in red is just the dream, and it goes black where important reading begins

I found myself in a battlefield, my squad had about 20 other warriors in it, we were dressed in dark black with very futuristic weapons and technology, and while it was pitch black, and the sky gave no illumitation, i could see perfectly.

i had a pistol and was with about 4 others, and we were firing into the bushes about 15 yards away at the enemy. suddenly one of my comrades went down, and i looked, seeing a sniper about 30 yards away (i know, pretty lame distance for a sniper, but what the dream needs, the dream gets)

i looked to our squad's sniper, and found him dead, with 3 others arguing who would take the rifle and start shooting. i walked over and took up the sniper rifle, laid down, and aimed at the other sniper.

long story short, we gained control over the other teams explosives, loaded them up, and i began driving away through the forest.

This was a huge semi, 2 trailers, full of explosives, being driven at 60 through a dense forest. i'm smart in my dreams aren't i?

so i went over a jump with about 10 tons of expolsives, and suddenly thought, wait a minute

everything froze, and i said, this is a dream!

i remembered to keep myself calm, but still, everything, the forest, the semi, the ground disapeared, and i found myself floating in a black abyss.

i tried to look at my hands, but i couldn't even seem to move them, and i couldn't see anything.

soon i lost my ludidity, being engulfed in dark, and came to, having driven the explosives to a bank, and continued to rob it.

so what happened? i had a pretty full dream before i realised i was dreaming, so did i just pass out of my dream cylce? or do i just need to work on control more?

this was my first LD in several years, but all my dreams for the past month have been as vivid or more so than this.
the dream occured after i woke up at 3 and tried a WBTB, which failed as it usually does.