• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      SKA is offline
      Human Being SKA's Avatar
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      Jul 2006
      Here, Now
      I have read many Suggested techniques and illusive ILD Tutorials and I noticed I am not alone in thinking they aren't really helpfull. Well Not as helpfull as they COULD be. They are like crude instructions of Mental Techniques that aren't at all very personal and therefor unpractical. The Suggested ILDtechniques posted by many LDers in this board may be TOO personal and therefor impractical for most other Dreamers who wish to attain lucidity.

      Therefor I thought I'd make a Topic this which we can Share and Discuss the most succesful and amazing Lucid Dream-experiences had by succesfull Lucid Dreamers. This might give much more insight into the ''how it's done'' question of Consciously, Deliberately inducing Lucid Dreams. Also some similairities of all the Conditions that (may) have influenced your Dreams or your State of Mind before you went to sleep and dreaming may be Noticed. So that we might be able to Learn about certain conditions that might help having Succesfull Lucid Dreams.

      So Please Share your Most amazing and successfull Lucid Dreams AND don't forget the conditions.
      Condtions like:
      -State of Mind
      -Foods/Drinks ingested at and after dinnertime
      -Background noise (or complete silence)
      -Physical state&Relaxation(How do you feel Physically before going to bed?)
      -Certain Worries, Emotions, thoughts, songs, People..etc Evidently on your Mind
      -Smoking Cigarretes, Joints, consuming Alcohol or other hebrs or drugs. Medications are drugs too.
      And any other Conditions you can think of and think could have possibly influenced your Dreams.

      I have had some very intense Lucid Dreaming experiences, very unexpected and suddenly Series of mad Lucid Dreams. One, lasting a little over an hour, was with 3 False awakenings in a Row, Quite paranoid and FREAKISHLY Hyper-Realistic. It just was UNBELIEVABLE that THAT experience was merely a Dream. It was soooo real.

      Well I'll post my stories more detailed later. Let me hear yours, and discuss the conditions.
      Luminous Spacious Dream Masters That Holographically Communicate
      among other teachers taught me

      not to overestimate the Value of our Concrete Knowledge;"Common sense"/Rationality,
      for doing so would make us Blind for the unimaginable, unparalleled Capacity of and Wisdom contained within our Felt Knowledge;Subconscious Intuition.

    2. #2
      Member really's Avatar
      Join Date
      Sep 2006
      Hey, I had pretty much the same idea as you! Why not turn it into a poll, SKA? Is that possible?

      Basically you vote (once) your conditions of your most recent lucid dream.


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