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    1. #1
      Member ALovelyWay2Burn's Avatar
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      I seem to have a problem with my dream sign. I've practiced lucid dreaming for multiple months now and the only dream sign that I've observed is black widow spiders. I typically come to the realization that they are there, but I some how end up getting bitten anyways, and my dream usually ends. I would like to do a RC every time I see a black widow, but (un)fortunately that species of spider is fairly rare.

      I would like to know if it was possible to program your brain to dream of another certain event or object that I could have practiced RC'ing with using Brainbullet or some other means of suggestion. I would like to pick an object I see commonly, do a RC, and then dream about it, doing an RC after I view it. Basically I just want a new dream sign.

      All replies are appreciated. Thanks.
      <span style="font-family:Arial">I hate the ending myself,
      but it started with an alright scene.</span>

    2. #2
      56 QwinsepiaSquared's Avatar
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      I don&#39;t know if it&#39;s possible to just say "I want a new dreamsign. I want it to be elevators." and have it happen. What you could try though is auto-suggestion. Every night before you go to bed, tell yourself that you will dream about elevators, and truely believe it. Of course, elevators is just an example, you can pick any common object you want.

      Supposedly if you drink a glass of water and say in your mind something like "Snakes, snakes, snakes&#33;" right before bed, you&#39;ll have a dream about it. Just a myth I heard at a sleepover a few years ago, but if you want to try it....
      "It was a dream! Can you control what you dream about, Hermione?" -HP7
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    3. #3
      Ev is offline
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      It&#39;s not enough to simply have a dream sign. You need a common recurring dream sign that is easy to recognize. Then it is easy to become lucid.

      If you go over your dreams you would notice that there are at least several dreamsigns that you may be seeing, but you wouldnt recognize them as dreamsigns because you see them a couple weeks apart or so. And that is not enough to successfully induce LDs....

      As for creating new dreamsigns I had a several bizzare experiences with the following dreamsign - in the middle of a dream I would interrrupt the flow of a dream and ask DC a question like "why do I dream?" " why am I here?" "what is knowledge?" and so on.
      The act of asking the question is not lucid, but it instantly produces lucidity as it is just way too out of place.
      If I recall correctly this was caused by philosophically thinking about LD experience and actually planning to ask DCs these questions.
      This is a unique dreamsign because it originates from within the consciousness present inside the dream. Since your consciousness is always there it theoretically can be said that this dreamsign can be developed into a very reliable way of becoming lucid.

      I think I will conduct some experiments on the subject...

    4. #4
      Member ALovelyWay2Burn's Avatar
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      The reason that I think that dream suggestion is legitimate is because my dreams tend to follow events corresponding with my waking life. Obviously my dreams are being influenced by something I&#39;m doing consciously, however because they occur in both realms I assume that they become obsolete as far as their functionality as an efficient dream sign.

      I will try a combination of the two replies that I got (which I greatly appreciate). As I go to bed tonight, I will think about dreaming lucidly combined with a WBTB, reverse blinking, and maybe a WILD attempt if I can stay awake long enough for it. I think this is especially a good thing to think about because I tend to do reality checks when I think about LD&#39;ing, especially while reading this board.

      So Ev, let me know what you deduce from your experiments and I will check back in the morning with my results, although I would expect something like this to take multiple attempts.
      <span style="font-family:Arial">I hate the ending myself,
      but it started with an alright scene.</span>

    5. #5
      Sleeping Dragon juroara's Avatar
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      how often are these spiders in your dream? a good dream sign I think is one that can be found in nearly any dream. My dream sign is a window. When I see a window in a dream, the sign is so powerful that if I were to stare at it long enough I am suddenly compelled to jump out, or in, depending if I am already outside or not.

      my next dream sign, which is really just a giant window, are porch doors. since porch doors are glass, they serve a similiar function, I can see what is on the other side. I remember one dream where I was on a higher level and I can see the floor below me. On the floor below me was a porch. It was night outside, and the lights were off on the lower level. The entire dream was boring as hell&#33;&#33; And I stopped to look at the porch. It was creepy. So dark outside, so still. My friends were by an elevator yelling at me to hurry up, we were supposed to go to class.

      I was compelled to go outside the porch, but I thought just maybe - this is reality and I&#39;m going to get hurt. But then I realized the more I thought about flying out the porch that I could never in my real life even begin to attempt this. For one, I&#39;m afraid of heights. Two, I&#39;m afraid of getting hurt. Three, I&#39;m afraid of the dark unless its my own bedroom&#33; And four, I have shitty balance. How could I be standing on a thin hand rail without struggle, thinking about jumping at least fifteen feet below me onto a floor that no one else is on, with all the lights off, and running outside the porch late at night, unless it is a dream

      I think this is how a good dream sign should be.

      I think for your spiders to be a good dream sign it needs to show up often enough, at the least every other night. Otherwise I suggest looking for another dream sign. Also, when you do go lucid - pay extra attention to how it was triggered. As that could be a clue as to what your real dream sign should be. For example, when I first started lucid dreaming, I jumped out my bedroom window to start flying. Thats why the window imagery became such a strong trigger. Once you have found your dream sign and recognize it, the trigger will grow stronger and stronger&#33;

      I&#39;m not sure about programming a dream sign. You need to be careful. You dont want to choose something that doesnt show up in your dreams often enough right?

    6. #6
      imj is offline
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      Quote Originally Posted by ALovelyWay2Burn View Post

      I seem to have a problem with my dream sign. I&#39;ve practiced lucid dreaming for multiple months now and the only dream sign that I&#39;ve observed is black widow spiders. I typically come to the realization that they are there, but I some how end up getting bitten anyways, and my dream usually ends. I would like to do a RC every time I see a black widow, but (un)fortunately that species of spider is fairly rare.

      I would like to know if it was possible to program your brain to dream of another certain event or object that I could have practiced RC&#39;ing with using Brainbullet or some other means of suggestion. I would like to pick an object I see commonly, do a RC, and then dream about it, doing an RC after I view it. Basically I just want a new dream sign.

      All replies are appreciated. Thanks.
      Inducing dreamsigns? I&#39;ve done that before using WBTB method...do something or look at something U want to use as a dreamsign for half an hour then go back to sleep. It may or may not work the first few times. It also helps alot if U also do or see it during the day. Trouble with dreamsigns is linking them to lucid dreaming and reality checks so I think it would be easier to choose something related to dreaming. Also from experience trying to do everything at once isn&#39;t too good because it confuses Ur subconcious mind and U&#39;ll end up with no dreamsign and no LD so for a start just focus not hard on having the new dreamsign. The RCs wil come after that.


    7. #7
      Member ALovelyWay2Burn's Avatar
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      My results from last night: Two incredibly vivid dreams, but no lucidity. No spiders, either.

      Quote Originally Posted by juroara View Post
      how often are these spiders in your dream?
      Perhaps not frequently enough to be an actual dream sign, even. It&#39;s really the only thing that I can find, however I&#39;ve kept a dream journal for several months now and have an extensive collection of dreams.

      Ok I just looked through most of them, and found three commonly recurring things:
      • Being at or going to a party
      • My girlfriend
      • Cars, whether I be in them or see them on the road

      I&#39;m not sure how effective RC&#39;ing to parties would be because I only party on the weekends. I suppose I could RC to my girlfriend as I see her multiple times daily, but will this one be hard because I do see her so often in the daytime, or is that better? I don&#39;t think that RC&#39;ing to cars would be smart just because of the variation of ways they appeared in my dreams and the variation of ways they appear in real life.

      IMJ, what you say makes sense. I think I&#39;ll try that tonight after a WBTB. Maybe I&#39;ll go drive around for a 20 minutes or so. Dunno how smart that will be to do right after I woke up in the middle of the morning when I&#39;m half asleep. Haha, I&#39;ll think of something.

      Thanks for all of the replies, I appreciate all of them.
      <span style="font-family:Arial">I hate the ending myself,
      but it started with an alright scene.</span>

    8. #8
      imj is offline
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      Quote Originally Posted by ALovelyWay2Burn View Post
      My results from last night: Two incredibly vivid dreams, but no lucidity. No spiders, either.
      Perhaps not frequently enough to be an actual dream sign, even. It&#39;s really the only thing that I can find, however I&#39;ve kept a dream journal for several months now and have an extensive collection of dreams.

      Ok I just looked through most of them, and found three commonly recurring things:
      • Being at or going to a party
      • My girlfriend
      • Cars, whether I be in them or see them on the road
      I&#39;m not sure how effective RC&#39;ing to parties would be because I only party on the weekends. I suppose I could RC to my girlfriend as I see her multiple times daily, but will this one be hard because I do see her so often in the daytime, or is that better? I don&#39;t think that RC&#39;ing to cars would be smart just because of the variation of ways they appeared in my dreams and the variation of ways they appear in real life.

      IMJ, what you say makes sense. I think I&#39;ll try that tonight after a WBTB. Maybe I&#39;ll go drive around for a 20 minutes or so. Dunno how smart that will be to do right after I woke up in the middle of the morning when I&#39;m half asleep. Haha, I&#39;ll think of something.

      Thanks for all of the replies, I appreciate all of them.

      Hi, U&#39;ll have to try it for Urself to see which dreamsign is the most effective. But IMHO anytime U see a dreamsign often or not just do an RC to be safe.



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