I originally posted this in another forum, but thought it perhaps applied better here.

I first came across this website a month or two ago, worked on lucid dreaming for a bit, got nowhere and forgot about it.

Last night I stayed out late and was quite tired. I ought to have left somewhere this morning, but instead I kept hitting snooze and making excuses to myself for doing so until I finally shut off the alarm clock, deciding enough was enough and I was staying in bed.

Snoozing the alarm clock had an interesting effect, though. I was trying to catch as much sleep as I could between snoozes, and this caused me to think to myself 'am I asleep yet?' every time. Well, after I shut off the alarm I fell asleep, dreamed for a bit and asked myself the same question, and the answer was of course positive.

I flew about a bustling city (that was sort of the holy grail of lucid dreaming I envisioned when I decided to try it), finally solved the posture problem that was inhibiting my martial art ability (yes, even in real life), generally explored the world of my own imagination a bit, engaged in some unprintable activity, etc.

Around the time I began with the unprintable activity, I gradually became aware of some weight on my chest. I opened my eyes to find that my youngest sister (5 years old) had come in my room and curled up with me in bed. On the one hand it was sweet, on the other she had interrupted my lucid dream. I sent her out, fell asleep again and dreamed, though not lucidly.

When I woke up, I realized my sister had not come into the room at all, I had simply dreamed she had.

The main reason I post this is the alarm clock bit. I seem to have found a shortcut that the monks of Tibet didn't have access to. For the uninformed, those monks asked themselves 'Am I dreaming?' twenty-seven times a day. Six times (once every ten minutes) with a snooze-featured alarm clock seems to have done the trick for me.