Hi poiples,

Yesterday, I went to sleep, after spending perhaps 1/2 hour meditating. I did not follow a SET method but rather, a loose version of Gothlarks method for meditation. Basically just relaxing, by thinknig of anything that will do that, and keeping in the back of your head what you want to accomplish, while letting all random thoughts float by with disinterest, but observation.
So, I did this by laying on my bed, lighting some candles (I was later forced to blow them out due to fire hazard), and doing exactly as I stated above. Many different thoughts came into my head, people from my old elementary school, feelings and impressions from people in my old high school, and in particular, one girl I used to like...

-Yesterday, I also got into a brutal verbal fight with my parents over many different issues

-Yesterday, I took no supplements for vividness/recall/lucidity

-Yesterday, I went to bed somewhat hungry

-Today, early morning time, I woke up, had an early breakfast, and went back to sleep.

-Yesterday, I went for a rather intense 15-20 minute jog with my dog, up and down hills near my house. (She can run fast)
There were a few other circumstances yesterday that were different from my normal daily routine.

I have 1 major statement, with 2 questions that follow,

Last night I dreampt about the girl I told you about, who popped into my head during my first attempt at meditation.

Q- Do you think that the meditation mentioned above, directly influenced the content, of this ONE long, fairly vivid dream I remembered last night?

Do you think that any of the circumstances I mentioned could have helped produce such a result? (Dreaming of virtually the same thing that I meditated about), and if so, how much of a role do you beleive they played? More, or less than the meditation?

Thanks people for your imput, and you attempt to help me answer this question, I will greatly appreciate it!