• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Feb 2006

      Need Help with WILD

      Hello All,

      I've been trying to WILD for the past several months. Never succeeded even once. I always got to SP and saw HI, experiencing strong or soft vibration, eyes twitching. In fact, I just got out of bed after seeing HI for at least 30 mins! The HI I saw were just patterns, lights, sometimes they were colorful. But I never saw events or objects clearly. Everything I saw was abstract and meaningless. During SP and seeing HI, I could feel my body was still lying on the bed. I could also hear the sound of air conditioner in my room. Seems that I was awake, but I was in SP and seeing HI all the time. I don't know what to do next. The good thing is that I could get to SP and HI in no time at all as soon as I lay down on my bed. What should I do to attain LD after this step? Thanks a lot!

      PS: Anyone experienced in WILD, would you be willing to adopt me? My tutor did not respond to my email, and he only does DILD. Thanks!

    2. #2
      Top of the mornin' to ya! Soul_Sleeper's Avatar
      Join Date
      Aug 2007
      Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

      Unhappy Answer The Q!

      Can Sombody please answer this?

      I was about to post the same question.
      DILD: 7 WILD: 0.5


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