
I've been wondering around the internet quite a while trying to find a forum like this. I finally found it

Ive been trying to figure out the world of lucid dreaming for a long time now, ive read many many article and books, and to date, I have only had ONE lucid dream, involantarily.

Today i did an MRI. I believe i fell into a hypnotic trance-like phase while doing it. I remember i closed my eyes and soon was paralyzed. Ive been practicing getting to that stage for a while, right now i can close my eyes and soon get my whole body paralyzed, but i have trouble getting into the visual phase or entering a lucid dream.

From what i remeber today during my MRI, i entered a semi-lucid phase and from all the noise the machine was making i was able to stay mentally awake during the paralyzed phase, opposed to ususally falling asleep.

Last night i was able to successfully get to the sleep paralysis phase without falling asleep, but I cant seem to enter lucidity, and i usually end up falling asleep before i even visualize anything..

Does anybody know how to help me?

By the way, the only one lucid dream i had that i was referring to, happened totally unplanned. I had a dream i was in the middle of the dessert and i was like what the fuck...? and i realized i was dreaming, and jumped and i flew for a little bit. I was excited that i had my first lucid dream that i believe i started to fade out of the dream, i tried spinning but i just woke up.

Anybody know how to help me?