Ok, so I just learned about lucidity today. I've always done it, but I've never heard of it until now.

There's also one thing that I can do that I've not heard discussed on this forum.

Whenever I close my eyes, after about 30 seconds I begin to see images. I can then manipulate those images to what I want to see. This allows me to basically enter a "dream" state with out falling asleep, and with out SP or anything like that. I always use this to practice my dream powers. The brilliant part about it is that you don't have to fall asleep. Whenever you feel yourself falling asleep, just gain a little more concentration by moving a little bit or something. One problem with it is that it is not realistic. Everything is blurry and you don't feel any emotions or anything. But it is really useful for practice or "on the fly" lucid dreaming. It's not like a WILD, cause you don't actually fall asleep. I haven't gotten to the point where I can make myself hear things yet, but I can simulate that by just thinking what my DC's would say.
