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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Apr 2008

      having trouble with very intruguing method

      well, i saw I H8 REALITY's method (sorry if i got the name wrong, i know its something like that). Well, it seemed very good and easy, as well. So last night i did everything it said. Woke up 6 hours later, imagined the backyard and the textile feelings, everything it said. But for some reason, it couldn't visualize my backyard. I soon learned i couldn't visualize ANYTHING. every image i tried to imagine is there for less than a second, then went grey, and proceeded to disappear.

      well, it continued through the whole day. even at this second, i can't make an image of anything. i don't know what's going on, but i'm actually a bit concerned o.o

      has this happened to anyone else?

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Apr 2008
      I am not exactly sure what you mean by not being able to visualize, When you visualize you are just using your imagination. It is not really like seeing it like in a dream or in person. Can you recall a place and remember what it looked like, felt like etc? If so you are visualizing. Visualizing has worked for me, though it has been a long time since it has, it has only worked once for me though, I kept visualizing the beach, the waves crashing on the shore, feeling the sun etc. I woke up in a dream under a pier at the beach, it was awesome and realer than real, but it hasn't worked since.

    3. #3
      Member Jim224's Avatar
      Join Date
      Mar 2008
      You are probably thinking about how you can't visualize anything to the point where you actually do that.

      Sometimes when I am imagining things, something happens to the image and it gets weird, and then I try stopping it but it just keeps doing that same thing because I am thinking about it doing that thing.

      Just think about imagining things and nothing else.


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