• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Member Yamluver's Avatar
      Join Date
      Aug 2007

      Can I OBE from here?

      When I go deep into hypnosis or meditation, I usually start feeling like I can't move. I tingle and go numb. I can't tell what position I am in, sometimes I feel like I have my legs crossed or something when they aren't. From there I can achieve a very realistic rocking sensation, but can't enter my astral body. How can I start dreaming or have an OBE from there?

      Thanks, Yamluver
      Go Lucid: a poem (by Yamluver)
      In the morning I try to remember the dream I had in which I was a member. The plot was twisted and topsy-turvy, I was a pirate, and I had scurvy. Then I reached up and plugged my nose and that was when I began to suppose I was dreaming, I was, all right. And it was really the middle of the night! I am up for adoption, to have more of these, so PM me, and help me please!

    2. #2
      Visionary Jimmehboi's Avatar
      Join Date
      Nov 2007
      Southport, Merseyside, Great Britain
      Relax yourself as much as you can but don't allow your brain to bail on you and fall asleep. When you begin to HI (If you don't know- hypnagogic imagery when you lightly notice images and shapes appearing, like in a dream but not as vivid)
      Slowly take the images you see into a real perspective of yourself- imagine you can see what you would be able to see if you had your eyes open.

      Without moving your body- (dream it, don't do it ) roll onto your back and look up to your ceiling. Imagine there is a ladder or some kind of rope dangling above your head. Reach up slowly and take hold of it, from there pull yourself up and climb the ladder/rope and keep climbing.

      Read up some stuff, loads of tutorials say similar things to that.

      "Thus the stars wink upon the bloody stripes; and Liberty pulls down her cap upon her eyes, and owns oppression in its vilest aspect for her sister"


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