ok i have had about 5 lucid dreams in my life but i never new what they were till my brother was telling his girlfriend about it over the phone i overheard 9cough cough, lol) and i looked it up about 6 months ago. now i have only really started trying to LD in the past 2 weeks because i was scared of going into it. i no it sounds weird cuz i want to LD soooooo bad but at night time i think of all the scary stories like freedy kruger and all those scary urban legends and stuff and i think, what if that happens in my dream and it will seem sooooo real and it will be like i am really there, and it scares the life out of me. but i no if i just focus i can get the nightmares out of my dream. i LD'd 1nce (about 5 days ago) that i was like neo from the matrix and i was fighting some agent smith looking character but then i got scared and my nightmare "killed me" and i woke up.i want to LD to get rid of this nightmare because i am having trouble sleeping now.please help me, i just want to learn, maybe someone could give me some pointers?