All right, well this was weird. Either that or I accidentally invented a new technique.

I got up at about 4:30 AM but stayed awake until the sun started to rise. I then attempted your WILD technique. But here's the weird part: I had an LD, actually two, but I can't remember how I got them!

The deep breaths alone caused my mind to wander a lot, so I tried counting along with taking deep breaths. Somewhere between 40 and my LD I can't remember what happened. What I think happened was I got very relaxed and tired, my mind strayed, and that kind of did a DEILD or VILD.

Now, after the first LD ended, I can't remember if it ended with an FA or not. I do know that I re-entered the dream in a similar manner. The second one was one of my longer ones and it took place in a similar setting to the first one. I lost lucidity at first but then got lucid after seeing my swingset which got sold last year and is no longer there in RL.

Basically, what I think I did was use the breathing and counting to get myself very relaxed, and that half-asleep point allowed one of my wandering thoughts to become an LD.

Odd. I will try it again tomorrow morning. Thanks for it; it did get me somewhere with WILD.