Firstly, you will need Saltcube's free flash timer, download it here:

Next, unzip it, open it up, and start "timer.exe" a window will pop up, on the left there is a lot of numbers, and there are some options on the main screen. Basically, you chose what timer you want, i recommend using this one: 8,4,8,12,16,20,20,6. It has a base interval of 4 minutes, the setup is predefined as rhythm nap 4. You will usually become lucid during the first or second 20 minute period.

Now when do you use this?
Set your alarm clock to wake you up at some time early in the morning, around 5-6 hours after you fall asleep, usually for most people around 5:00-5:30 AM. Once the alarm goes off, get up, out of bed, and read about lucid dreaming, or whatever you want to do on the subject. After an hour, go back to bed, lay down, start the timer, and daydream until you go to sleep. You are supposed to wake up each time the timer goes off, and once you do, go back to sleep. Once the timer has finished it's final duration, get up, and write down what you have experienced. You may not become lucid on your first try, but if you experience anything you haven't before, it was a successful session.

Thanks for reading!