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      SKA is offline
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      Sub Consciously Induced Lucid Dream

      Okay here is a rather new approach to Lucid Dream induction that has allways worked for me and is working again after a long dryspell. It is a passive method that has given me, allthough irreliable and occasional, many Lucid Dreams quite frequently.
      Innitially I had alot of Lucid Dreams, but my ability to lucid dream seemed to diminish greatly whenever I would put CONSCIOUS effort into having one (WILD, RC's, DILD, TILD..etc) Also reading the different viewpoints on and induction techniques of the many different ppl here on Dreamviews has in my idea only lead me further away from Lucid Dreaming rather than closer to it.

      Sounds familiar to you? Then this "technique"( or rather lack thereof ) might be for you.

      So what I did after the discouragement and confusion Dreamviews-discussion had brought me; I first let the whole topic of Lucid Dreaming go. Deliberately let it go for a while.

      Then I started getting interrested again in Lucid Dreaming and instead of trying a technique, I simply had Lucid Dreaming on my mind for a while before sleep, but not predominantly, not even consciously. I more sort of can't help automatically thinking about Lucid Dreaming whenever I see my bed you know?

      And whataya know I'm having Lucid Dreams again and quite often too. About 1 lucid Dream a week on average. How? I guess that since I only gave lucidity a quick, automatic thought, before heading off to sleep paying lucidity no further CONSCIOUS attention, I no longer had Lucidity in my Mind Consciously, but instead I would let it go and just go to sleep without a the slightest thing or effort in my Mind. This way I allow my Lucid Ambition to sink from my Conscious mind into my SubConscious Mind. By letting it go again.
      For me this is a recipe for success.

      So to give a short oversight:
      You go to bed, see your bed, Associate the sight of your bed with Lucid Dreaming; think of Lucid Dreaming briefly, Let it go again and just go to sleep without any conscious efforts. Just Fall asleep.
      This way you hand the Lucid task over from your Conscious Mind to your Subconscious Mind: A part of your mind that, if you don't interfere with it with your conscious mind, knows Excellently what to do to attain Lucidity. In a way superior to your Conscious Mind.

      Give it a try, especially if you feel, like me, that Conscious effort of utilising ILD-techniques are hardily or totally not working for you to induce LDs.
      Try and give some feedback. Feedback's much appreciated and may help improve this method and develop it into a Great Effortless LD-technique.

      Sweet L U C I D Dreams.
      Last edited by SKA; 09-09-2008 at 12:06 AM.
      Luminous Spacious Dream Masters That Holographically Communicate
      among other teachers taught me

      not to overestimate the Value of our Concrete Knowledge;"Common sense"/Rationality,
      for doing so would make us Blind for the unimaginable, unparalleled Capacity of and Wisdom contained within our Felt Knowledge;Subconscious Intuition.


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