• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      pvd is offline
      Join Date
      Nov 2008

      Zpoint Process + lucid dreaming

      Hello everyone,

      Yesterday I came up with an idea for producing more lucid dreams. It is a slightly modified version of The Zpoint Process, which can be found here http://zpointprocess.com/resources/zppage.pdf. I decided to try this because I've used this process for a long time to help eliminate anxiety related emotions. It has helped me very much.

      Let's move onto the process it self. Basically you create a "cue word" and tie that cue word into a "subconscious program." So everytime you repeat your cue word, the program is ran through your subconscious mind. The more you practice the process the more effective it will become.

      note: It is important to note that your cue word should be something that isn't related to anything in your daily life nor tied to any strong emotions.


      Cue Word: Zaezal

      Subconscious Program

      I hereby set a power intention within you my subconscious mind, to become lucid in my dreams every night when I’m sleeping, And that each time I repeat my cue word you will make me more and more lucid within my dreams. And, each time I repeat my cue word in sequence, you will access deeper and deeper layers and all parts and all aspects of my being to help me become lucid every night.

      Now the subconscious program is tied in with your cue word. You don't need to repeat the program anymore. So just repeat this word in sets like a mantra meditation a few days throughout the day and before you goto sleep. If you wake up in the middle of the night do your usual routine for lucid dreaming and repeat the words while falling back to sleep. That is all there is to it.

      I just want to mention that I'm not guaranteeing that this will work and make you lucid dream every night. That would be quite a claim. However, the principles behind the technique are very effective for other areas of the mind so it should also work with lucid dreaming. If you can think of anyways to improve it please feel free to add!

    2. #2
      Student of Life Quiver's Avatar
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      Sep 2007
      I like the idea. Seems like it could be an alternate way to 'ground' lucid dreams so they don't fade away fast. You could just say your cue word instead of "clarity now!" or those other phrases.

      When I'd tried it in the past, I had used a common word that already had meaning to me, and that could be my problem. You raise a good point that it should be something unrelated

      Maybe, just for a second, you'll be awestruck.
      ...do you feel it to?

    3. #3
      pvd is offline
      Join Date
      Nov 2008
      You're welcome, and thanks for the reply. This is to attain lucid dreams in general, not just prolong lucidity in the dream. I will keep you updated on the progress I make with it. I figured out that you can tie it in with a reality check or a phrase to help you become lucid.


      1.tie a reality check to the cue word. Do your reality check and when your finished repeat your cue word 10-20 times.

      2. Tie a phrase to the cue word like, "I will know that I'm dreaming when I goto sleep tonight." Repeat cue word 10-20 times.


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