Last night I attempted to VILD because after reading the tutorial on it it seems that I have already had more than a few successful VILD but these were all after I woke up in the morning. Instead I tried it before I went to sleep and it went a little something like this:

I tried to think of the nice grassy area next tot he lake image. The Image was almost flickering in my mind, on and off with the blackness of my eyelids. not sure if this is normal, but when I visualize things, I can't get them to be in a continuous stream. Then once I was satisfied with the look, as much as I could hold together without going back to change more details, I started to focus on the touch. I focused first on my bare feet stnding on firm blades of grass then I couldn't decide on whether I was sitting or standing so I could hold grass also. So I skipped hands and went straight to clothes and felt them on me.

When I got this far it seemed like white lights were flashing in my eyelids and my mind was going farther away from me and then closer, almost like consciousness was throwing me back and forth. For whatever reason I regained full consciousness, and I had realized that during this experience all external noises that I can usually here, like the tv in the next room, had totally disappeared and now that i was fully conscious, I could once again feel my own body.