Yesterday morning, I had tried to wild and came close but I failed. Later that night, when I went to bed, I was kept up about 1/4 of the night by our new kitten (Curious little shit.) Anyway, I had a very...I wouldn't say scary but intense experience. I was in the middle of a dream. It had something to do with this girl, however, the dream just randomly ended and then all I could see was blackness. I couldn't move. I couldn't swallow, I couldn't do anything. I tried yelling but the only thing that came out was "uhhh." Now, this didn't freak me out but what did freak me out was the fact that I could feel someone blowing on my face. I knew there was nobody there, but still. And for some odd reason, I had this very strong feeling I was no longer in my bed. After about 10 seconds into it, I tried to ignore whatever it was blowing on my face and began to imagine a scene I could enter, but after that it all ended and I was in my bed with my eyes closed. This is the first time I have ever woken up in SP.
I know hallucinations can occur during SP, but, someone blowing on my face? Just seems odd. I am sorry for posting another thread two times in two days, haha. I guess my question is has anybody ever had an experience like this? From what I have read, this pales in comparison to what other people have seen or felt.