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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Aug 2004

      WILD attempt questions

      So I thought I'd give WILDs a try. I tried it while going to bed at night (i know this is the worst time to do it because it takes a while to enter REM sleep), i tried it early in the morning by setting my alarm to 5:30 then getting up briefly to go to the bathroom and then trying it, and i tried it during an afternoon nap. I definately get to the point of SP and i do sorta see some flashing lights and stuff.

      A couple of questions:
      1) While I am laying there I am still fully aware of everything around me and still hear everything such as traffic going by, is this normal?
      2) I always need to swallow, should I just try to avoid that or should I just swallow and then just continue on trying?
      3) After doing it for a while I try the whole opening my eyes thing and hope to be in a lucid dream somewhere, but i just find myself layin in my bed paralyized.

    2. #2
      Old Seahag Alex D's Avatar
      Join Date
      Dec 2004
      1. Yes, indeed it is, if it realy is bothering you, I suggest earplugs.
      2. I swallow, but after a while, I become parylised and just have to drool.
      3. That just means you're well on your way, just hang on in there!

      I hope this hellped.

    3. #3
      Join Date
      Aug 2004
      I seem to still be able to swallow, this mean I'm not actually in sleep paralysis?

      Also while I'm layin there I just think about random stuff, or do little scenarios hoping that they'll just kinda turn into a dream.

    4. #4
      Old Seahag Alex D's Avatar
      Join Date
      Dec 2004
      Originally posted by Staubsaugen
      I seem to still be able to swallow, this mean I'm not actually in sleep paralysis?

      Also while I'm layin there I just think about random stuff, or do little scenarios hoping that they'll just kinda turn into a dream.
      You are probbly at the beggining of it, just not entirely parlysed,

    5. #5
      Member demonette's Avatar
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      Dec 2004
      Sequim(not the end of the world but you can see it from here)
      a friend of mine told me that when he is trying to obtain a kind of mediative state it helps him if he is distracted but he uses that for channeling but it may help you..
      Save water shower with a friends

    6. #6
      Generic lucid dreamer Seeker's Avatar
      Join Date
      Oct 2003
      Originally posted by Staubsaugen
      I seem to still be able to swallow, this mean I'm not actually in sleep paralysis?

      Also while I'm layin there I just think about random stuff, or do little scenarios hoping that they'll just kinda turn into a dream.
      Most people are aware of when they pass into sleep paralysis. Many hear loud noises, most people feel intense vibrations and a sinking feeling.

      The key to WILD is to relaz as much as possible. Like you, I've laid there for hours waiting to enter sleep and only managed to achieve sleep deprivation.

      Random stuff and scenarios are very useful, they distract you and help get your brain ready to sleep, just try not to concentrate too hard on them or they will keep you awake.
      you must be the change you wish to see in the world...

    7. #7
      Join Date
      Oct 2004
      I do a wild everytime i wake up in the middle of the night, and its realy easy if you already sleepy. First, wake yourself up enough so that you realy know your awake. Then just lay there and attempt to think about nothing, of course something will pop into your head, this will be how your dream starts. Last night infact i did a wild where i just sat there and then after many random voices in my head and bugs chriping even though there were no bugs, i got a little bar like a computer install bar going infront of my face, and poof when it was done i was in the dream world and i lost lucdity right there only to gain it later.

      Key points:
      Make sure your awake ANYTIME you wakeup.
      Dont "try" to become lucid this seems to lead to never going to sleep.
      Imagine something that takes time to complete and when its done, you will find that you are dreaming.
      After all that say to yourself "i am dreaming" and then do whatever you please and it will work.
      If you are still awake you might end up falling when you try and fly but who cares?

      PS. This works for me and i dont know how it works for others, im sure it wont work for you becuase all this RC hype got me nowhere.
      how do you know if you aren't in a 'dream' right now?
      LD's: 4

    8. #8
      Join Date
      Aug 2004
      what do u mean image something that takes time to complete? could u give an example?

    9. #9
      Join Date
      Oct 2004
      well I gave one in my post but here are some off the top of my head:
      An hourglass (little glass thing with sand)
      counting from any number to any number (dont concentrate on the numbers if you do this, just count)
      Computer installation bars
      Watching anything cook
      ect.. Most of these things will only work if you have seen them recently and have a picture in your head so my expamples wont work, you will need to find your own things.

      PS. you dont have to "see" them just imagine they are happening.
      how do you know if you aren't in a 'dream' right now?
      LD's: 4

    10. #10
      Join Date
      Aug 2004
      u mentioned counting, i've read about this thing of couting like "1 i'm dreaming....2 i'm dreaming................100 i'm dreaming" and then you're supposed to be in a dream, but at the end i just end up layin there and thinkin ok, now what?

    11. #11
      Join Date
      Oct 2004
      Originally posted by Staubsaugen
      u mentioned counting, i've read about this thing of couting like \"1 i'm dreaming....2 i'm dreaming................100 i'm dreaming\" and then you're supposed to be in a dream, but at the end i just end up layin there and thinkin ok, now what?
      i know what you mean, what you need to do is let yourself slip away. Counting uses too much brainpower to be effective. Try counting or just saying random numbers in your head, when you get closer to falling asleep you wont even remember the last number you said, which is why counting in order keeps you from going to sleep.

      I would NOT try counting more than one time just to see if it works for you.
      how do you know if you aren't in a 'dream' right now?
      LD's: 4

    12. #12
      Join Date
      Jan 2005
      Paralysis is a gateway to sleep, and more importantly, the dream state. Once paralyzed, try to get up out of bed with all your might. It helps if you strain and shut your eyes. I almost always immediately pop into a dream that I got up. Just don't wrestle out of the paralysis, it's your friend.


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