The past few nights I've been having some interesting dreams that have lead me to the hypothesis that, in many cases, dreaming is like being in France (If you're French, replace France with England)

Allow me to explain what I mean.

Whenever I go to France (or any country, really) I am totally aware that I'm in France for every waking moment. That doesn't mean I walk about thinking "I'm in France, I'm in France", just that it is always obvious. I don't need to think twice to know that people I meet will probably be speaking French, signs will usually be in French, everyone will be driving on the other side of the road, these things are obvious, without questioning where I am.

So, the dreams I've been having have been very much like that. I totally expect the logic to be a little shaky and reality to be unreliable because in the back of my mind I am aware that this environment is a dream, but I never articulate that thought or take it any further, so I go through the dream without any incling that there's 'something I should be doing' (i.e a reality check, flying, etc.) or even that there is anything odd about the situation. The furthest it goes is thinking 'of course it's odd, dreams usually are odd' and I carry on with whatever I'm dreaming about.

has anyone got any suggestions on how to take this further and trigger full lucidity?

Last night's one was a killer; someone told me that they are aware when they are dreaming and they practice for things like exams. I explained that I'm interested in lucid dreams and told him all about the La Berge book I'm reading, but it wasn't till I woke up that I fully realised my oversight, D'oh!!

also, do these count as low level lucids? I wasn't fully 'lucid' in the dictionary sense of the word so this seems a bit of a grey area to me.