I've recently tried experimenting with the CAN-WILD technique in which you need to wake up from an alarm and not move so as to still be in SP without waiting for it. My problem was waking up from the alarm and not moving when I did. So I set two alarms during the night and hoped for the best. Unfortunately, I instinctively reached out to turn off the alarm before I disturbed anybody in my house. When my dad came to wake me up in the morning, my first thought was, "Darn I didn't get to try out the new technique." However, I realized that when he came to wake me up by moving me I did not move a muscle.

The next night I thought that maybe alarms with noise are not the way to go for me. I set up two alarms that vibrated and put my phone in my pocket. Again, I didn't move at all. I don't know if this is just me, but when I am awakened by touch rather than by sound I can stay still after awakening.

Is there a reason for this having to do with the way the body reacts to different situations? I would like to hear if anybody else on dreamviews reacts like this when they are awakened by touch or if im just weird haha