this story is kinda personal, but i think my theory is a possibility that could be answered by someone on this forum. you see, i was seeing this girl for a while. my best friend happened to be in love with her (its a bad situation), but i really liked her a lot and she like me too, so we starting going out. i often have dreams about her, and she told me she had some crazy sexual dreams about me too. this whole time i didn't tell my best friend that the girl and i were intimately involved, so i was feeling really guilty. after all, he is my best fucking friend. i mean we used to smoked weed everyday, we took acid together, all the good stuff! our souls are essentially on the same wavelength, and we are always thinking alike. thats why im wondering if it is possibly to have a psychic connection with someone through your dreams. because when i finally grew the balls to tell him that i had been seeing this girl, he said that he had already known because he was having dreams about us and our relationship (he ended up not being mad and got over the girl and was happy that we were together). is it possible that we had a shared dream about the girl?