I'm just now getting back into LD and I've only had a few myself. However, I've always had an interest in a certain concept that I'm not sure is even possible, but you guys/gals should know more than I.

If one that has truly mastered the art of Lucid Dreaming and Dream Control tried, could they, in some sense, create an alternate dream-universe in which they could control every aspect of in a God-like sense? By "dream-universe," I mean a rock-solid, extremely stable mental universe that you could return your awareness to at will while lucid.

Has anyone tried anything of this sort?

Something that is probably even more impossible, but still: Could you "give" the beings of this dream-universe "free-will?"

What I mean is, is there a way you could block your mind from controlling them consciously, giving them what would seem to be free-will?

This might sound completely stupid, but it's just a couple of thoughts.