Here is the Schedual for the 2nd psi-dreaming event at the pdc is:

Cynthia Pearson and**Robert Waggoner are hosting the 2nd psi-dreaming event at the 24/7 two week Psiber Dreaming Conference (pdc)
Thursday, September 27
Precognitive Dreaming Contest (Information will be posted)

Precognitive Dreaming Evening Chat (9 pm EDT)

Friday, September 28
Precognitive Dreaming Morning Chat (12 noon EDT)

Saturday, September 29
Midnight EDT / 9p.m. PDT.

Dreaming begins.

Ask for a count-down to deadline because that is the easiest way not to miss the deadline for dream submissions.

Submission Deadline
Sunday, September 30
Precognitive Dreaming Contest (Event)

Select and post target 9 a.m. – 10 a.m. EDT

Here is where to register:

Registration | Psiberdreaming2012

Good luck.