This is a thread inviting anyone to pop-in at any week with a target. Even if 10 people offer a target (in the same week) as well as my calendar picture target ... well ... that would be interesting to see what "Our-Dreaming-Mind" does with that.

I'm not interested in wide-awake yuky remote viewing. I only like dream remote viewing.

I'm also not interested in yuky Lucid Dreaming. Lucid Dreaming limits "Our-Dreaming-Mind" (me thinks).

Also, I don't think a "sender" has to run them self ragged trying to "send" the image of the target. And the recipient does better when they approach the dream game in a light, fun, friendly way. Like, just going to sleep happy and excited, whispering to Our-Dreaming-Mind, "Whats in so-and-so's dream rv box".

I've got 240 pictures. I'm going to stick them into envelops, mix them up, choose one and put it in a box them go to sleep whispering to Our-Dreaming-Mind, "What is on the picture in my dream remote viewing box"

I will start on Sunday 1-March-2015. Sunday 1-March-2015 begins my 8 year on-line.

I will reveal the target 7 days later and put a new picture in an envelope, into the box.

I'm doing this so I can have a dream gam to play but you, who are reading this, are welcome to guess what's in my dream rv box and you are welcome to put a target (object or picture) into your own Dream Remote Viewing Box for me (and others to dream about.