I had a very clear vision of a venomous snake. The vision was so real that when I remember it, it is so clear that is almost like a memory and not a vision. It had a slight green tint to it's underbody and was very light brown, was a large snake and appeared to be some type of tropical snake. I was not afraid but viewed the snake as an adversary.The snake seemed to be sizing me up. It was raised flicking it's tongue. The last time I had a very vivid dream of a Cobra that I was also unafraid of, a man was seeking to take advantage of my elderly grandmother. I found out the very next day. This man had a long history of such things. He was extremely cunning and after 1 week sought to marry her to gain property and informed me that he wished to be my new grandfather. He really poured it on even calling me grandson and did not know me well nor was he married to my grandmother. I see this snake as another adversary but am not sure I am interperting it correctly. The fact that I was awake when I saw him concerns me as it seem more urgent. I am sure the snake was male. Opinions? This is my first post. My other opinion is that this is a past life memory because of the extreme clarity and presence of the snake. My past history with a vivid snake dream tells me it's a warning of an adversary though?