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    Thread: Scio Anyone?

    1. #1
      Member Rainbow Werewolf's Avatar
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      Apr 2006
      I have been messaging with my hypnosis instructor about wanting to lucid dream and have more control over my subconscious.

      She mentioned "make an appt. to see ... in our office for the SCIO machine. it
      balances everything in your body and is absolutely amazing. the session
      is $200. but I can say it is well worth it"

      I looked up SCIO and it is a device that scans your body for any kind of problem and helps fix it by balancing energies. Seems interesting and has some research, but was wondering if anyone else here has heard of this before. If it can help me with hypnosis, lucid dreaming, heck even help me breathe better at night it will be worth it.

      She's done hypnosis for over 8 years and having her recommend something like this with such high regard is not without reason.

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    2. #2
      Member Gothlark's Avatar
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      The SCIO is a quantum biofeedback machine. My friend's parents are quantum biofeedback technicians. It seems pretty sound. Takes about 72 hours for things to fully adhere. Hey, if nothing else, the placebo effect of it will do wonders. I'm going in for a free session sometime, so I'll tell you how it goes. Knowing these people the way I do, I'm pretty positive there's something to it.

    3. #3
      Member Rainbow Werewolf's Avatar
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      Apr 2006
      Thanks for the information and assurance. I went to their site for information: www.thequantumalliance.com

      It fascinates me because it involves quantum physics, which I studied a bit when I did my bachelors in Physics. Knowing what little I do about quantum physics, I can believe its claims, keeping an open mind, but also questioning things. I have a session today (will cost $200 ). I'm doing it mainly to help my mind operate clearer, possibly increase intelligence, and maybe psychic ability, who knows.

      I also have a little trouble breathing at night when I relax, and have allergies, and sometimes headaches, so will have to see. Nothing I need medication for though.

      Anyway, I'm glad you commented, since someone else I wrote mentioned something bad about it but they weren't sure if it was the same device or not. That company they were reffering to had shady business practices, so I wouldn't think it would be the same.

      My mom says that if it really worked then it would be all over the news.

      Quote Originally Posted by Gothlark View Post
      The SCIO is a quantum biofeedback machine. My friend's parents are quantum biofeedback technicians. It seems pretty sound. Takes about 72 hours for things to fully adhere. Hey, if nothing else, the placebo effect of it will do wonders. I'm going in for a free session sometime, so I'll tell you how it goes. Knowing these people the way I do, I'm pretty positive there's something to it.

      LD's Since Joining: 6

    4. #4
      Member Gothlark's Avatar
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      It's a good aid and all. From what I understand, your body picks the therapy when the equipment does the scan. I don't rely heavily on anything, I like to figure out how to do things on my own. Way I figure it, I can simulate the same thing with my body's own electrical field with enough meditation. That's something I'm going to work on, once I've had my try with the machine so my body can memorise what it does.

      A lot of great advances never make the news. When the electric car was released a lot of people didn't even know it was around. Then after a couple years it was recalled. People ignore that which they wish to. But even the information that most ignore is almost always readily available to be sought if you're looking for it. Good luck with your therapy, hope it works well.

    5. #5
      Member Rainbow Werewolf's Avatar
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      Apr 2006
      The therapy went pretty well. Pretty amazing device. It found that I was allergic to bananas which I knew since they sting my tongue. It said my d3 was low, as well as a couple of amino acids.

      I don't think I had sensations while it was working, but there were some nice features. One program allows sentences to be directed into the subconscious, so it played some affirmations every 6 seconds throughout the whole session.

      Just for grins I asked her to look for AIDS which came up as not even being a factor. Since it scans for diseases and virii, bacteria, I was just checking.

      It had an NLP setting which helped to decrease stress and anxiety, because it picked up I had a lot of nervous energy. That was interesting because someone months ago mentioned to me I had nervous energy when speaking.

      I liked how it can detect harmful radiation such as cell phone and microwave frequencies that tend to remain in the brain. The SCIO cancels out harmful waves as well. She said my cellphone was lower than average, and I mentioned I don't really talk much on the cellphone. My TV radiation was low as well. True too because I don't watch TV really.

      There were settings for lucid dreaming, which I'm still working on. I just had the session on Monday, and was mentally exhausted after that, and even yesterday until night my mind was still assymilating everything that was presented.

      I did notice that night I was able to breath easy when I was falling asleep, something that had ailed me for some time. I also haven't felt dizzy lately, so it probably means something.

      In all, the tests showed that I was very healthy. Did mention I had a bit too much chloride.

      Because of the cost, I'm not sure I'll do it again for awhile. However now I have a good baseline to begin my hypnosis regiment.

      Be expected to feel mentally tired the next couple of days though. Quite the mental workout.

      It also noticed I had some food poisoning in the past and digestive problems. Lately I haven't felt nauseous so the therapy seems to have helped with digestive enzymes and stuff. Pretty amazing that it can simulate the energetic counterpart of hormones, digestive enzymes, vitamins, etc. I needed a bit of capraic (sp?) acid for some fungus it detected, and the system can administer that as well. I don't know how, but it seems to work.

      Quote Originally Posted by Gothlark View Post
      It's a good aid and all. From what I understand, your body picks the therapy when the equipment does the scan. I don't rely heavily on anything, I like to figure out how to do things on my own. Way I figure it, I can simulate the same thing with my body's own electrical field with enough meditation. That's something I'm going to work on, once I've had my try with the machine so my body can memorise what it does.

      A lot of great advances never make the news. When the electric car was released a lot of people didn't even know it was around. Then after a couple years it was recalled. People ignore that which they wish to. But even the information that most ignore is almost always readily available to be sought if you're looking for it. Good luck with your therapy, hope it works well.

      LD's Since Joining: 6


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