
About two nights ago I had a pretty weird dream.

Basically I’m thinking (almost made up my mind) to go back and live in Sydney, after four years of living in a village on the Greek mainland.

I dreamt that outside my kitchen window were three or four big crows. Just sitting there and not bothering me. But, I felt disturbed by this image and opened the window to scare them away. One of them tried attacking me, or just came my way and when it got close to me it fell to the ground. The others didn’t leave. As I looked over to them I say that the crows were standing around another crow that was lying down. I’m not sure though if it were the same one that flew towards me. Then I went outside to the backyard. As I was walking around, Ι noticed that on the ground were these little white tombs in the form of bold eagles, which included their distinctive beak and head, but also their neck. When I reached the other side of the garden, I saw some flies going into a tomb and then coming out either dead or “scared”. Then I saw a sparrow go in and immediately coming out with a little blood on its neck and it slowly died their. I moved a few steps further and saw a patch of freshly mowed lawn and a hole in the middle. I asked my self what could this be and then a woman next to me said that she found it as she was cleaning. At that moment I saw a great big green python come out and move towards the woman. I grabbed hold of it but it kept on sliding along my hands. When its tail came up to my hands I noticed that it had thorns on it, but despite seeing this and it prickling me I continued holding on to it till it got away. I chased after it and when it crossed the street it got tangled with a hose (or stuck). So I started wetting it with a hose. People started gathering around and I told them to stay away and that I was going to kill it. Then the snake came back and attacked a man. It started curling itself around him, so I ran and started hitting it with a shovel. It started to bleed and loosen up, during this stage I woke up.

(Just as a note I’m not that “ordinary”. I have many precognitions that come true (in great detail and accuracy), either from dreams but mostly from emotions and feelings that arise and then just concentrating and analyzing those I figure out what is going to happen. Sometimes I can help avoid things and most of the time I know from instinct to which saint or angel I need to pray. Then later on with cross-referencing I know who has intervened. But there are times when I now that awful things are going to happen and they shouldn’t be interrupted. Only one friend of mine knows about this and not to the full extent. I just understand and try to help people, even without their praise.)

I didn’t want to say anything but here it goes. Lately I’ve also been dreaming of me in Israel, a bus/restaurant hostage situation, and a woman. There not just dreams but I also have precognitions and certain random events and emotions I feel are leading up to this. The random events are quite freaky. I mean in the sense I am stabling upon them. For instance the women. She is important, either she knows it or not. And I accidentally found her. But I’m not sure if and how (other than spiritually) I should notify her. But I know that this can be prevented and will be prevented and fortunately it will go on unnoticed. I don’t want to get into more detail.

(Please! I've added more details. You should check this thread for a reply from Varzandeh at Dream Central http://www.sleeps.com/forums/dream-i...tion/11462.htm)

Thank you,