I read an article somewhere on the internet about some guy who used his alarm clock to have his first OBE (or it might have been a she, I don't remember).

The principle is that for some people (me included), when you've just woken up you "imagine" hitting snooze and then you beleive that you actually have in reality so you're confused when it keeps ringing. This might happen to some of you occasionally too. What this person did was to "imagine" his whole body out of bed at this point to acheive an OBE.

It sounds like a really neat trick as long as you have the will power to try it in the morning. I haven't because I recently got one of those bloody DINGALINGALINGALINGALINGALING alarm clocks that makes this round about impossible. Is it possible though and is it a good technique? If anyone has any experience of this technique please let me know!