Good day all,

I remember hearing a long time ago about "the silver cord". This was more apparent in astral projection type experiences, and out of body experiences, where the person projecting would see a silver colored cord attaching themselves to either their physical body, or straight up to the heavens.

I'd like to learn more about it, the idea kind of intrigued me, and I could not find any more information on it at the time.

What purpose did it serve? Was it there just so you felt comfortable leaving your body and being able to find your way back? I am sure this theory is debateable as to whether it actually exists or not, some dont beleive in astral projection or OBE's, but rather like to think of them as a very vivid creation of your own imagination.

What intrigues me about it is that there were many people who actually shared the same experience and described the same silver cord attached to them.
